For today's book I'm choosing a little-known book that made me laugh repeatedly. M.J. Trow's The Adventures of Inspector Lestrade is one of the many Sherlock Holmes derivatives on the market. Trow focuses on Holmes's Scotland Yard contact and sometimes irritant Lestrade. In this mash-up Lestrade is actually the sleuthing genius, Holmes is a bumbling fool who is worshiped by Watson, and is only notable because Watson has created a cult of celebrity. Holmes is really only a minor character in this book, which is the first of a series.
Trow is funny. His prose is witty. The chapter titles in this first volume are all take-offs of the story titles in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (see, for example, "The Blue Carb, Uncle." I'm sorry more people aren't reading this series. I find it delightfully entertaining.